Darren Shan írt pár dalt is a könyvekhez...XD
Jingle Bells
Jingle Bells, Murlough smells, Evra can lick his nose, -
Jingle Bells, Morlough bűzik, Evra megnyalja az orrát
Vancha March spits a lot, and Evanna wears ropes as clothes.
- Vancha March sokat köp, és Evanna kötelet hor ruhaként
Jingle bells, in vampire hell, every demon carries a stake,
Jingle Bells, a vámpír pokolban, és minden démon stakeet cipel
(They don't know that bad souls in fact go to a dark lake.)
(ők nem tudják hogy a gonosz lelkek a sötét tóban vannak, ez tény)
Dashing through the fields, on a wild vampaneze hunt,
Átrobogunk a földeken, a vad vérszipolyok vadásznak
Darren at the rear, Mr Crepsley at the front,
Darren ül a wc-n, Mr. Crepsley elöl
Lots of twists and turns, who to fear and trust?
Sok kanyar és fordulat, ki fél és hisz?
Only one thing is for sure -- It’s kill the Lord or bust!
Csak egy dolog biztos -- Megöl az Úr vagy a kudarc
Oh, Jingle bells, all will be well, if they kill the Lord,
óh, jingle Bells, Mindenki jól lesz, ha ők megölik az Urat (Vérszipolyok ura)
But if they lose, two will die, and the vampire clan will fall.
De ha ők vesztenek, ketten fognak meghalni és a vámpír klán is hal velük.
Oh, jingle bells, who can tell what fearsome depths they'll delve?
Oh, Jingle Bells, Ki tudja elmondani mi a rémséges mélység a barlang mélyén?
The only way you can find out is to buy and read book twelve!
Az egyetlen út, hogy megtudd, ha megveszed és elolvasod a 12-es könyvet!
Up a chimney
When Murlough got stuck up a chimney, he began to shout,
Amikor Murlough beszorult a kéménybe, elkezdett kiabálni
"You girls and boys will make lots of noise once I wriggle out!
Lányok és fiúk sok zajt fogok csapni ha nem hoztok ki innen!
I’ll rip off your skin, smear you with jam, I’ll gobble your insides down too!"
Szét fogom hasítani a bőröd, összelekvározlak, és le foglak hurukkolni ide be le!
When Murlough got out of the chimney, boo-hoo! Boo-hoo! Boo-hoo!
Amikor Murlough lejutott a kéményből, Boo-hoo-boo-huuu-boo-huuu!
You better be Good
You better watch out, you better be sly,
You better be brave, I’m telling you why,
The vampaneze are coming to town.
They feed when you are sleeping, they drain your body dry,
They suck all your blood from your veins
And it won’t help if you cry.
Oh, You better watch out, you better be sly,
You better be brave, I’m telling you why,
The vampaneze are coming to town.
They’ll stick a big straw in you, and slurp your red blood down,
So if you don’t want to wind up a corpse
You’d best get out right now!
Oh, You better watch out, you better be sly,
You better be brave, I’m telling you why,
The vampaneze are coming to town.
Must be Murlough
Who likes to dress in a nice white suit?
Murlough likes to dress in a nice white suit.
Who’s got long nails and teeth to boot?
Murlough’s got long nails and teeth to boot.
Nice white suit, long teeth to boot,
Must be Murlough! Must be Murlough!
Must be Murlough with the fearsome jaws.
Who’s got nasty purple skin?
Mulough’s got nasty purple skin.
Who’s got a soul the colour of sin?
Murlough’s got a soul the colour of sin.
Purple skin, colour of sin, Nice white suit, long teeth to boot,
Must be Murlough! Must be Murlough!
Must be Murlough with the fearsome jaws.
Who only comes out at night?
Murlough only comes out at night.
Who like to give humans a fright?
Murlough likes to give humans a fright.
Gives humans a fright, only comes out at night,
Purple skin, colour of sin, Nice white suit, long teeth to boot,
Must be Murlough! Must be Murlough!
Must be Murlough with the fearsome jaws.
Who likes to play around with bones?
Murlough likes to play around with bones.
Who sits on a blood-drenched throne?
Murlough sits on a blood-drenched throne.
Plays with bones, blood-drenched throne,
Gives humans a fright, only comes out at night,
Purple skin, colour of sin, Nice white suit, long teeth to boot,
Must be Murlough! Must be Murlough!
Must be Murlough with the fearsome jaws.
Who’s got a taste for boys and girls?
Murlough’s got a taste for boys and girls.
Who’s the biggest monster in all the world?
Murlough’s the biggest monster in all the world.
Boys and girls, all the world,
Plays with bones, blood-drenched throne,
Gives humans a fright, only comes out at night,
Purple skin, colour of sin, Nice white suit, long teeth to boot,
Must be Murlough! Must be Murlough!
Must be Murlough with the fearsome jaws.
Who’s as mad as a march hare?
Murlough’s as mad as a march hare.
Who slaughters all in sight and doesn’t care?
Murlough slaughters all in sight and doesn’t care.
Mad march hare, doesn’t care,
Boys and girls, all the world,
Plays with bones, blood-drenched throne,
Gives humans a fright, only comes out at night,
Purple skin, colour of sin, Nice white suit, long teeth to boot,
Must be Murlough! Must be Murlough!
Must be Murlough with the fearsome jaws.
Who’s the man who likes to go hmmm?
Murlough’s the man who likes to go hmmm?
Who’s going to dance on your tomb?
Murlough’s going to dance on your tomb.
Likes to go hmmm, dance on your tomb,
Mad march hare, doesn’t care,
Boys and girls, all the world,
Plays with bones, blood-drenched throne,
Gives humans a fright, only comes out at night,
Purple skin, colour of sin, Nice white suit, long teeth to boot,
Must be Murlough! Must be Murlough!
Must be Murlough with the fearsome jaws.
All together:
Must be Murlough! Must be Murlough!
Must be Murlough with the fearsome jaws.
Once again — louder this time:
Must be Murlough! Must be Murlough!
Must be Murlough with the fearsome jaws.
And the final time, give it all you’ve got!
Must be Murlough! Must be Murlough!
Must be Murlough with the fearsome jaws. |